The Difference Between Banana Allergy And Intolerance

The allergy to banana and intolerance is different. Their severity of reaction, symptoms, treatment and reasons are quite different from each other. This is really important to distinguish between them to opt for proper treatment. In this article we will let you know about the differences between these two types of disorder. You should not have any more queries about them after reading this article. 

 The banana allergy starts when someone has hypersensitivity to banana. It means when the sufferer consumes it or even comes in contact with it, they get the reaction immediately. The symptoms are usually severe including skin inflammation, hives, rashes and so on. The anaphylactic attack is considered as the worst reaction of allergy and it happens when the reaction is severe and out of control. In such case, the sufferer becomes fainted and it becomes hard for him to breathe normally. The allergy reaction comes immediately and within an hour. The reason behind banana allergy is the immune system of the body and the protein of the banana. The immune system assumes the protein as an invader and tries to block it by producing antibody. As a consequence another kind of chemical Histamine is created which ultimately is the reason for banana allergy. 

 At the other hand, intolerance is something which is not related to the immune system of the body rather when someone can't digest banana, then intolerance takes place. The symptoms of intolerance are vomiting, abdominal pain etc. They are not severe and does not cause a lot of irritation. The reaction of intolerance is not immediate, it takes few hours and probably a day to come out. You don't need to panic if this is intolerance as you need to be patience for some time before it goes away. 

 The banana allergy needs treatment depending on the intensity of reaction. If the reaction is less you can take antihistamine, but in case it is anaphylaxis you must ensure to shot a dose of epinephrine to survive. But for banana intolerance, you may not need to take any medicine. You should feel better in the next day as the reaction does not last long. 

 So, I guess you now get at least some idea about allergy and intolerance. Remember that it is very important to know exactly what kind of symptoms are showing in you and therefore depending on this the treatment would be different from person to person.

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