Facebook has 5% of the fake accounts
Monday, June 3, 2019
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Facebook on Thursday (May 23) said it recently deleted billions of fake accounts created by "bad players" and that five percent of the active accounts are probably counterfeit.
The recently published Facebook law enforcement report estimates how many counterfeit social network accounts and actions took place in the first three months of this year.
Facebook deactivated 2.19 billion accounts in the first quarter of this year, nearly double the number of nix accounts in the previous three months, Vice President Guy Rose.
"The number of subsequent accounts has increased because malicious players trying to create large numbers of accounts at the same time are carrying out automatic attacks," said Rosen.
Facebook apparently deactivates the account because fraud was trying to do it automatically. At the same time, the leading social network estimates that 5% of the 2.4 billion monthly active users are fake accounts that have not yet been released.
A California-based company also said it had made progress in the fight against hostile conversations, with 65% of deleted content automatically being detected instead of waiting for users to report it.
Facebook captured four million messages that were considered hostile in the first quarter of this year and continued to invest in technology to better detect material in different languages and regions.
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